Explore The Frontiers of Venture Capital Investing.
Pioneering research and in-depth analysis to navigate the dynamics of VC investing and entrepreneurship.
The blog’s articles present edgy research into VC fundamentals, such as how VC funds work and all the steps in the Venture Capital cycle. I analyze real-life case studies from Silicon Valley lore and the latest developments in Startupland. I also explore the frontier between VC investing, startup fundraising, and psychology—sharing findings from my academic research in entrepreneurs’ personality traits and mental health, and Venture Capitalists’ cognitive biases.
- Mindset-Based Investing (25)
- Startup Fundraising (21)
- VC Fundamentals (22)
- VC Jobs (10)
- VC Quotes (20)
Latest Articles
- LPs Beware: The “Super Power Law” in Venture Capital
- A Manifesto For Mindset-Based Investing
- The Most Underrated VC Due Diligence Item: How Founders Learn
- Are Entrepreneurs Delusional? The Overconfidence Factor in Startup Success
- How The Legendary VC Arthur Rock Evaluated Startup Founders
- Is Money The Main Driver of Successful Entrepreneurs?
- Why Series A Graduation Is So Hard: Lessons from Paul Graham
- Venture Capital Investment Committees: Best Practices From Elite VC Firms
- How ChatGPT Can Help Venture Capitalists Make Better Investment Decisions
- VC Funds DPI: How Long Until Venture Capital Delivers Outlier Returns?